What Agents Want You to Know About Smart Homes

At last week’s Gen Blue conference, Coldwell Banker agents Danny Hertzberg and Angel Piontek took the mainstage to tell us what we need to know...

Easement Rights: Nuts and Bolts of Home Ownership

Learn what easement rights are and why you should be knowledgeable about them when purchasing a property. Know how access easements can effect your...

Home Buying 101: Where Do I Begin?

In the first of three posts in the Home Buying 101 series, Coldwell Banker Real Estate Market Specialist Les Christie looks at what home owners need...

Home Sweet Home: Halloween Candy Battle (Final...

October is flying faster than a witch on a broom and we have already reached our 3rd round of the Halloween candy battle. (Click for Round One &...

Home Sweet Home: Halloween Candy Battle Royale...

I think iit's safe to say every homeowner remembers their first Halloween at their home.Having Trick or Treaters is like a home ownership rite of...

The Government’s Plan for Foreclosures

I wanted to start my next blog with a little more college basketball.  Amazingly I don’t have to travel next week and was hoping to see my...